
Dennis O'Connell

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About Me

I'm a software developer and Mathematics major at Santa Clara University. Outside of classes, I stay busy learning new technologies and working as the Department Coordinator for the Santa Clara Community Action Program. I got my start with software development doing object oriented programming in Java, and I am currently having a blast learning about front end web development technolgies and the functional programming paradigm in Javascript!

You can connect with me on Github or Linkedin! Or you can learn more about my work with the Santa Clara Community Action program here.


Euler Approximations Project

Differential Equations project where values of y are approximated for a given differential equation at different values of h using the Euler Approximation method.

Technologies Used: D3.js, Bootstrap, HTML, MathJax

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Country Capital AutoFill App

This project utilizes the asynchrous javascript functions to get data from a json file listing all of the countries and their corresponding capitals.

Technologies Used: Javascript, Bootstrap

Live Demo || Github

Pong In Java

These are two Java applets that apply concepts of object oriented programming to a visualization of the game of pong 🏓

Technologies Used: Java


Rock Paper Scissors Shoot!

In this simple rock paper scissors game, I created custom buttons, score trackers, and implemented regex to convert keywords to a readable format.

Technologies Used: Javascript, HTML, CSS

Live Demo || Github


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